Family Studies Minor

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Sociology Department
Heba Khalil, Ph.D.
Interim Department Chair
(402) 465-2487
hkhalil [at] (hkhalil[at]nebrwesleyan[dot]edu)

Family Studies Minor

Below is the coursework required to minor in family studies. For an overview of this program, see Sociology and Anthropology Degrees.

COMM 2500 Family Communication (3 hours)

《十大娱乐平台排行榜》旨在介绍家庭背景下的交际现象. 本课程的总体目标是帮助学生理解如何, through communication, we develop, maintain, enhance, or disturb family relationships. 学生将学习有关塑造家庭生活的沟通模式和实践的理论.

ENG 2200 Topics in World Literature: Sexualities (4 hours)

世界文学主题组的每门课程都将学习一组选定的文学作品,这些作品涉及所选主题——不同体裁的文本, from historical eras, and from different cultural traditions. 所选的阅读材料将呈现与主题相关的抽象原则及其直接关系, lived realities.
Cross listed with GEND 2200.
Prerequisite(s): Any First Year Writing course.
(Normally offered every fall and spring semester.)

Archway Curriculum: Essential Connections: Writing Instructive
HIST 3550 Gender & The Wild West (4 hours)

See HIST 4550 Gender & The Wild West.

Archway Curriculum: Essential Connections: Writing Instructive
HIST 4550 Gender & The Wild West (4 hours)

Women of the American West to the Wild West? Gender in the American West.
本课程通过性别的镜头强调北美西部从接触前到现在的历史, and explores topics of myth and stereotypes; gender roles in the home, family, and community; as well as addressing questions of race, class, and ethnicity.  HIST4550 meets with HIST3550.  除了4550的学生需要一篇研究论文外,课程的要求是相同的.
先决条件:HIST 1010主题在美国历史至1877年,或讲师的许可.

Archway Curriculum: Essential Connections: Writing Instructive
PSYCH 3360 Child and Adolescent Development (4 hours)

学生将有机会拓宽他们的视角和欣赏发生在儿童和青少年早期发展阶段的发展过程. 本课程将遵循生物生态学和其他系统的观点,重点关注儿童经历的多样性. Topics will include socialization of children and attitudes about childhood and child-rearing; self and identity processes; family interactions; peer interactions; and educational experiences, all from multiple cultural contexts. 额外的注意力将花在不太常见的童年环境上,比如流落街头, exposure to war or heavy conflict, and experiences of trauma and violence.

Prerequisite(s): PSYCH 1010/PSYCH 1010FYW Introduction to Psychological Science; PSYCH 2350 Lifespan Development or by permission of instructor.

SOC 1110 Introduction to Sociology (4 hours)

本课程将介绍社会学视角作为社会探究的一种方法. Students explore such basic concepts as culture, socialization, social structure, social interaction, and social change. 他们学习和应用用于调查人类社会互动的理论和研究方法. These concepts are applied to social topics such as race, class, gender, family, crime, population, environment, and others.
(Normally offered each semester.)

SOC 1350 Sociology of the Family (4 hours)

See SOC 2350 Sociology of the Family.

SOC 2350 Sociology of the Family (4 hours)

这门课程分析了男人和女人之间的各种相互关系,重点是爱情, courtship, marriage, and family. Institutional, social, 政策视角是在跨文化和历史的参考框架中提出的,以澄清家庭之间的动态关系, its members, and broader U.S. society. 2350课程的要求与1350课程相同,除了更高课程编号的学生完成一个涉及重要写作的实地访谈项目,并满足Archway的写作指导指定.
(Normally offered each semester.)

Archway Curriculum: Essential Connections: Writing Instructive
SOC 2530 Population and Environment (4 hours)

本课程探讨人口规模的人口学和社会动态, composition, and distribution. 它处理人口、人类健康、发展和环境之间的关系. Strong cross-cultural emphasis. 一个主要的重点是开发一个学期的研究论文,对比千年发展目标和可持续发展目标的地位, environmental status, and health in a more- and less- developed country.

Archway Curriculum: Essential Connections: Writing Instructive
SOC 3260 Thinking SocioLogically: Gender (2 hours)

本课程运用社会学的观点来探讨社会生活的主要特征——性和性别关系. 它考虑了性别的社会建构(包括男性和女性的创造),并研究了性别意识形态对性别个人社会地位的影响. In particular, it emphasizes the way these social positions (such as gender, race, social class, sexualities, etc...)创造并延续了嵌入其社会机构(如家庭)的不平等, economy/work, religion, media, etc...).

Prerequisite(s): SOC 1110 Introduction to Sociology

SOCWK 2350 Family Violence Across the Lifespan (3 hours)

本课程将使学生接触到个人和家庭在一生中所经历的各种类型的暴力. 将介绍与虐待幸存者一起工作的各种理论,学生将学习与虐待儿童有关的瘀伤和骨折. The influence of societal "isms", culture, gender, 与暴力有关的性取向将被纳入讨论的材料中.
Cross listed with GEND 2350.
(Normally offered each spring semester.)

THTRE 2040 Dramatic Literature: Families (2 hours)

本课程探讨家庭的定义和概念是如何在戏剧文学作品中表现出来的. By reading, discussing, 学生将考虑文化和制度环境的变化如何影响家庭的定义,以及家庭的概念如何与其他社会制度相互联系.
